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Harper Green


A Message From Ms Heppenstall...

Thursday, 6th June 2024

I am delighted to introduce my new blog, which will be available every half term. This platform will allow me to share highlights and updates from the previous term as well as exciting news for the weeks ahead.

The past half term has been fantastic, and I am incredibly proud of our students and staff for their hard work and dedication. Our Year 9 and 10 students teamed up with Rivington and Blackrod High School students to complete their Duke of Edinburgh Bronze expedition and were all absolutely amazing, truly embodying our core value of being 'resilient', while making memories that will last a lifetime. I’d also like to give a special mention to our Year 11 students, who exemplified the HARPER values of 'resilience' and 'engagement' as they sat their terminal exams.

I am also thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the School of Sanctuary award, reflecting our commitment to a safe and welcoming environment for all, which aligns with our value, accepting. To find out more about this, visit www.harpergreen.net/News/Boltons-First-Secondary-School-to-Win-SoS-Award

Throughout the last half term, we launched some great projects within our community.  These have included a six-week Year 4 drama project with St. Peter's in Farnworth and a technology project with St. John's in Kearsley. Our new Head of PE, Mr Wakefield, has been building excellent connections with Farnworth Social Cricket Club, providing great opportunities for our cricketers to develop their skills, teamwork, and excellence. Our budding actors have been busy auditioning and rehearsing for Harper Green School's very own version of Bugsy Malone, which will premiere in early October in our Theatre. We're excited to share more information on this in the coming months, so keep your eyes peeled!

Looking forward to half term 6, there are some exciting end of year events planned. Friday, 28th June, is the Year 11 prom, where we will all put on our glad rags and celebrate with the Class of 2024. I can't wait to see what everyone wears and who will be crowned our Prom Royalty. Our Year 10 students will have the opportunity to complete a week of Work Experience, where they can find out first-hand what the world of work is like and how our HARPER values prepare them to be successful in the workplace.  In the final week of term, we will host House Day and Sports Day, leading to the culmination of our house points total to find out 2023/24 House winners.

This year, we are combining our enrichment rewards evening and academic rewards evening into one celebration evening. This will be on Thursday, 11th July 2024, and we will be celebrating individual students who show our core values of “engage and resilience” both inside and beyond the classroom.

Finally, I'd like to say a huge well done to all our students involved in extracurricular activities outside of school. I am incredibly proud of their commitment to engagement and excellence and we love hearing about our students achievements. We recently celebrated a Year 11 student who took part in Crufts 2024, a Year 8 student's impending trials for BWFC, and a Year 11 student playing for an adult cricket league! If you have any good news to share with us, I'd love to hear about it – please email me at head@harpergreen.net so we can celebrate it in school.

I hope you all had a fantastic break, and I look forward to celebrating your achievements in half term 6. 

Ms. Heppenstall

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