We are Harper Commitments
At Harper Green, we fully understand the positive impact a well thought out holistic vision to develop the whole person can have on our students. To maximise the positive impact of our holistic offering, we challenge our students through four key areas of our Commitments programme.
These being:
- Community commitments
- Learning Commitments
- Personal Development Commitments
- Experience Commitments
Every half-term, students are challenged to commit to engaging in at least 2 of the 4 categories. Weekly, students will receive challenges and supervised interactions via their form tutors to understand both the positive purpose and opportunities available to our students on a weekly basis. Recorded through their Commitments Booklets, students are tasked to seek out new opportunities but to also reflect on the ones they have encountered. This full circle approach enables our students to discover what they enjoy and fully immerse themselves in everything we at Harper Green have to offer.
At the end of each Term, students who have demonstrated a commitment to their full school experience are recognised for their achievements. Every term, these achievements are built upon and fully celebrated with our annual rewards evening in the summer term.