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Harper Green


Rebranding Harper Green School

We are excited to announce the launch of our new brand identity.

Since joining Leverhulme Church of England and Community Trust in 2017, Harper Green School has seen a significant transformation, investing considerably in its facilities and learning spaces to create inspiring and engaging learning environments for students and staff.

As a school, we have thought long and hard about why we are here and the important role we play within our communities and felt it was imperative to both celebrate the history of Harper Green School and also align our brand identity with the Harper commitments and the We are HARPER attributes.

Our new branding reflects who we are and who we want our staff, students and communities to be. It symbolises the four We are Harper commitments that we expect our students to take responsibility for including learning, personal development, experience and community and reminds us of the incredible impact Harper Green School has had on its local communities since it was first established in 1927.

We believe our new brand identity reflects the way we see ourselves today and how we see the future as we continue to discover dreams, achieve ambitions and transform lives. We invite all staff, students and our local communities to explore our new identity.

Wear your new badge and tie with pride

To celebrate the launch of our new branding, every student has received a new school tie and iron-on badge to cover the old badge on their school blazer.

As mentioned in the end of term Christmas newsletter, students will visit our Ironing Hub on the day of the launch in groups, where staff members will be available to iron the new badges onto blazers. Alternatively, parents/carers can iron the new badge onto blazers at home following our simple step-by-step guide, which is available to download on our website below. 

Please let us know in advance if you wish to iron on the badge at home rather than us doing it in school by completing a short form here

Ironing of the new badge form > 

Download our Step by Step guide > 


Harper Green School has played a significant role in its local community for almost 100 years and we are incredibly proud of its history and how it has evolved. Let's take a look back at its different logos...


Find out more about the history of Harper here. 

History of Harper > 


For further information, please read our Frequently Asked Questions here.

Frequently Asked Questions >